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November 14, 2005


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Wow--that is one beautiful babka! My paternal grandparents were Eastern European (Polish Jews, actually), but I had my first taste of babka only last September, in New York. To think--all those years of babka-eating I missed! Something tells me I may have to try making it myself now, and give your rendition a go. Just gorgeous!


Good lord that looks amazing. It reminds me of my rather sad last attempt on a babka last Christmas, but I'll definately try again with this recipe!


Wow, what a cake! Although I grew up in Sweden, not far from Poland I have never tried a babka but now I will make my own here in Italy!


This cake sounds great. Have to try one myself.


Molly, Nic, Ilva, Jane,

It really is a nice coffee cake. I think I'd probably add a bit more sugar (maybe a 1/4 cup more) to the dough, as I like these things to be really sweet. And in retrospect, it's probably not as hard as I thought.... I was feeling a bit sorry for myself.


That is looking really good. I'm going to try my first babka very soon, for sure.


That looks amazing! How do you make the poppy seed filling? This is not something I can find in my area!


I found a traditional Ukrainian poppyseed filling recipe Here:


I bought a half serve of Chocolate Kugelhopf yesterday from a Polish Deli. It was really delicious and it has a space in between the layers. After searching for the recipe today, really no wonder it was expensive. It was $10 for half the tin. Yours looks like the one that I am looking for but as you said, lack of the space. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


When I made two regular sandwich bread loaves this week, the dough was first flattened into a rectangle then folded and pinched down three times to get it into the loaf pan.

With the regular white bread, the dough rose nicely but with the dough to which I had substituted the harder Teff grain for white flour, the dough was stiffer and less puffy and THAT loaf ended up with spaces inside where the dough was folded.

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